創意髮型:2015 Flux Collection X Flux Reel 助理大賽 Top 6 名單揭曉

認真培育未來的技術人才,一直都是 Flux 相當注重且認真經營的項目之一。今年 Flux 特別與萊雅專業沙龍美髮合作,舉辦了【 Flux 髮藝新秀大賽】冠軍 ,以深色拼接、淺色拼接以及深淺拼接三項主題為比賽項目,將 50 名助理分為 6 組競賽,其目的不僅在於培養助理玩色創意上的巧思及增加比賽經驗,更希望在賽事之於能激發助理對於創作及美髮的熱情與美感。最終決選以現場發表會形式呈現,包含髮色、髮型、服裝、彩妝等,再由 Model 走秀演繹作品,最後由兩家店的設計師進行評分,選出各組冠軍;而各組冠軍作品再交由國際品審作最終評分 : 國際專業美髮雜誌 TRIBU-TE 總編輯 Mike Vincecent、ELLE 台灣版雜誌副總編輯楊淑茵、萊雅專業沙龍美髮亞太區總經理 Joeri Thys 依照整體表現、設計剪裁、顏色搭配、作品發想概念、現場表現,以及 Facebook 網友人氣票選加總之後,選出最後的總冠軍 Jacy Cheng,以及指導的技術員 Bess 將一同前往日本,進行專業教育訓練 !

總冠軍 : Jacy - Hi Street


結合了我喜歡的運動元素,創作出 “ Hi Street “ 的 Image。


服裝上雖然是羊毛,但削肩設讓整體上更為活躍。這是我的 Hi Street。

My inspiration of my artwork came from my own imagination of what I would be like if I am a woman. I pictured myself as a woman, and

combined this concept and elements of sports to create the image of " Hi Street." For the darken hair colours, I used the colour of orange to bring

out the playful and fun spirits. For the make up, I chose to use golden and sandy sunburn look to bring out the shine and glow of skin colours. As

for the outfit, though it is made from cashmere, it gives more playful and free spirits with shoulder off design. This is my " Hi Street " style.

Style By Justin Yang - 初心









Nowadays, everyone go toward his or her goals with their brave heartbeat.

In order to achieve goals, they are wearing an indestructible and fantastic mask to face everything. However, each powerful one could be tired and

afraid of being seen the weakness and self-contempt without wear it.

“I want to be free and to be who I am.” But that’s all happened in the wonderland. “It’s a competition, I must work hard today, or I would be

replaced by somebody tomorrow” that’s the reality society.

Actually, what I long for is my very begging dream in my deep deep heart rather than big applauds. No matter how long the journey is and what

things happened, I wish all of us could always listen to our heart and we’ll know what we want.

Style By Kay Tseng -極光








Aurora will appear at both ends of the earth, in fact, science can explain natural phenomena. But people still believe that aurora is a miracle of the

nature, most of wayfare think that aurora is like to have a happy sight. Actually, aurora doesn’t bring happiness, but with hope in heart can make

people happy.  Using blue and purple stitching with a blue base made out of purple gentle, and make looming gray to show the true features behind

the aurora sky.

Style By Lemon Lee - 破曉


傾聽自己內心的勇氣 閉上眼睛追循

當光線衝出地平線 日出東方


讓自己回到原點 找回夢想最初的感動

Shafts of light softly appear in the dark sky,

Close your eyes and listen to the courage within.

Because as the light breaks through the horizon,

As the sun rises from the east,

We are reminded that this is how all life began.

So let’s make our way back to the start,

To the genesis of our dreams,

To that moment in time where we first became

Style By Lourdes Zhang - 醒










象徵人生藉由眼睛耳朵接收了高潮 ( 紅色 ) 與低潮 ( 紫色 ) 的情緒

再交織掙扎的過程中,不時會被外界的聲音 ( 灰色 ) 籠罩



不管結果如何,最後都會歸於出生時的平靜 ( 黑色 )。

My inspiration of my artwork came from using the black color for the base, the simple and clean lines presenting whole structure, and Red color is

the edge of the triangle area , exploring from right eyes extend to left ear.

Inside the triangle area, dying the purple tone color mix with red tone color, presenting the cold and warm colors duality. The gray color covering

whole hair slowly, the staggered red and purple shinning inside, sometimes you can see it, sometimes it hides. Finally, all dyed color stopping

suddenly in the left hairline, finishing peacefully.

The three color are the symbol of our life, we receive high ( Red color ) and low ( purple color ) emotions thought ears and eyes. The process of

struggle with those emotions were sometimes covered by someone’s opinion ( gray color ) to effect our decision, both good and bad. But all the

feelings come up our mind are part of our life, sparking in our lifetime. At least, everything will finish peacefully, like the time we born

( Black Color ).

Style By Wilson Lin - 吉野櫻

吉野櫻花瓣帶著淡粉紅色,花期很短不過 14 天



The yoshino cherry with pale pink petals, only have 14-days-long life, short but brilliant. It symbolizes the happiness for whole life, and the

determination of never giving up. This work presents the pureness, the elegance, and the unswerving determination of yoshino cherry.