溶解溶解也就是代表型態現象氣態 液態 固態每個狀態的改變都是因為外在條件改變環保與物質需求的衝突關係人類與環境最不可分割的共同體『氣候變化』『土地轉化』『森林消失』『海洋污染』環境永續與人類發展息息相關當地球不斷被破壞 也相對地球被人類惡行所溶解提醒每個地球人 地球只有一個…Melt
To melt stands for to change the stae of matter.
Solid, liquid, and gas, each state of matter changes due to the alteration of external conditions.There are always conflicts between environmental protection and material demand. However, we people and the environment are one inseparable unity.Climate anomalies, soil contamination, disappearing forests, and marine pollution, environmental sustainability and human development are interconnected.The Earth is destroyed by human daily actions as if it is around the melting point.By this, to remind everyone of us that we only have ONE Earth.