趨勢髮型:英國 Toni & Guy - Alignment

Toni & Guy 一向是國際上髮型設計師們很關注的知名英國美髮學院,此組為他們 2011 年在英國美髮展覽盛事 Salon International 上展演的系列作品。由眾星雲集的 Toni & Guy 藝術團隊成員們一人帶來一個趨勢髮型作品。雖然這是五年前的髮型作品,但不論是在髮色或是髮型上,依然十分具有參考性;甚至其中的「The Dakota」這個作品的髮色,在當時的作品概念就是由珍珠光澤做為靈感啟發,與最近興起的「Opal Hair 蛋白石髮色」概念類似。其實不論是新的或是舊的創作,出發點都在於「美」,多看看過往的作品,更有機會突破舊有、結合故有與新意。

The Shard

Cut by Indira Schauwecker, Colour by Francesco Fontana

The Dakota

Cut by Richard Mannah, Colour by Artistic Team

The Kibou

Cut by Hide Saiga, Colour by Artistic Team

The Belie

Cut by Cos Sakkas, Colour by Artistic Team

The Aalto

Cut by Silje Vincent, Colour by Artistic Team

The Elson

Cut by Artistic Team, Colour by Artistic Team

The Valour

Cut by Artistic Team, Colour by Artistic Team

The Naycer

Cut by Gary France, Colour by Jo O'Neill

The Tonic

Cut by Artistic Team

The Tomhawk

Cut by Artistic Team