創意髮型:Vita hair design 2020 collection 他。她/MEME & YOUYOU

Vita hair design 2020 collection  他。她/MEME & YOUYOU

Vita hair design 2020 collection



Inspiration of Creation


“We are not down to a single, unique universe.” -Stephen Hawking


We are all exploring another corner of the world, and / or in another parallel universe, there will be someone who looks like us, coexisting with a similar hairstyle, clothes, or lifestyle. Perhaps the most distinguish and distinctive “he or she” we have been looking for is already in the inner part of our heart!


Inspiration of hair 

Janis & Jimi

捲髮髮型以 60 年代經典的嬉皮風格,性感的捲度與鬆度,讓音符的律動在頭髮中跳動,詮釋最動感既狂野的浪漫。

Curly hairstyle with the ‘60s classic hippy form and the sexy loose curls as the groove of the notes beating within the hair, interpreting the frenzied and fluctuated romance.

Kelly & Billy

高層次髮型以 70 年代為靈感的搖滾風格,叛逆中帶點華麗感,高層次的律動感及柔和的輪廓,讓慣性的反叛也可以很親人的時尚感。

The high graduation hairstyle is inspired with the rock form of the ‘70s, taking a bit luxuriant sense in rebellion with sense of groove and downy feature involved; hence, invites the inertial rebellion to be the intimacy of fashion.